Digital WP Theme


Full Support

Lifetime Update

Live Demo Lifetime Update Full Support Clean Coding and Design Responsive Google Adsense Ready SEO Optimized Compatible All Browsers Multiple Layout Lots more features

Original price was: $32.Current price is: $24.

Digital WordPress theme provide you best ever user experience it’s able to fully customize that support all premium WordPress features make easy to use for business, personal or selling any product online as well as a premium slider fulfill your requirement. Mobile responsive design could be easily adapt by any device.

WooCommerce Support

WooCommerce Support


Unlimited Colors


FontAwesome Icon


Translation Ready


Smart Slider 3

qrcodes generator

QR Code Generator


Responsive Design


Powerful Option Panel


SEO Ready

Features of Digital WordPress theme

  • Powerful Option Panel that Control theme functions
  • Hover Effect on posts and Slider
  • Optimized is Magazine Style WordPress Design
  • Latest Posts Widget to show recent posts and items below navigation
  • Popular Post Widget for right sidebar that comes with bigger thumbnails
  • Advertise Management to show ads on header 728ร—90 and Single post as you want
  • Responsive design site looks great in Mobile and Tabs
  • Google Adsense ready
  • Also support all awesome WordPress features
  • Widget ready any type of widget can be displayed
  • Multiple Drop down menu
  • Compatible with all browsers: IE7, IE8, IE9, Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari all Latest Browsers.
  • Custom Background and custom header
  • Custom Favicon url
  • Show Author Profile in Posts and Pages
  • SEO Optimized WordPress Theme.
  • Page Speed Optimize for better result.
  • Custom Widgets and Functions.
  • Many of Other customize feature for your blog or website.
  • Free
  • free

  • No Fixed
  • 1 Layout
  • Basic Design Control
  • Footer Basic
  • SEO Ready
  • Basic Features
  • Download
  • Membership
  • $59

  • Yes Mobile Responsive
  • As per Pro Theme
  • Full Design Control
  • Footer Change as you want
  • SEO Ready Fully
  • Advance Features
  • Lifetime Updates
  • Access to all our new premium themes
  • Unlimited sites license
  • Become Member
Change log

* Added floating wocommerce cart
* Added H1 title in category and Tags pages
* Minor bug fixes

=3.8 =
* Mobile menu updated
* Slider height control added
* Popular post widget name change
* Optimize design

=3.7 =
* Post box fixed

=3.6ย =
* Added some new features
* Updated mobile menu
* Added Post setting page into theme options
* 3 Differ ant header style added
*ย Theme customizer style update
* Website Fonts updated
=3.4 and 3.5 =
* Menu icon issue fixed
* Theme code updated

= 3.3 =
*ย Tablet version of website updated
* Thumbnail control added

= 3.2 =
*ย Header image issue

= 3.1 =
*ย Added category description
* Fixed website title H1 on Index page

= 3.0 =
*ย Post and page layout added
* Google font updated and moved to customizer for live preview

= 2.9.1 =
*ย RTL Support updated
* Addedย more widget area into theme
= 2.9.1 =
* Added Float or Fix menu option
* Added Google Fonts
* Added Instagram social icon

= 2.8.9 =
* Added Footer Menu
* Mobile break point change to min 1024px
* Fixed Heading fonts sizes

= 2.8.8 =
* Responsive menu fix
* Search bar fix
* Logo and Banner alignment fix in mobile
= 2.8.7 =
* Fixed medium screen size issue
* Fixed google analytics and other code

= 2.8.6 =
* Image hover effect fixed
* Clear slider in diff. screen
* Footer script text/visual editor added

= 2.8.5 =
* Mobile menu issue fixed
* Slider responsive issue fixed
* Added menu icons support
* SmothScroll effect added
* Menu Search effect added
* Author bio box size fixed
* Read More Button Added to Post (Enable it from basic settings)
= 2.8.2 =
* Fixed layout issue
* Added bottom widget into responsive style
* other minor issue
= 2.8 =
* Added Foundation styles
* Added Font awesome icon fonts
* Theme Color scheme change to red
* Added Author support
* Updated Comment form
= 2.7 =
* Fixed Responsive issue in some devices
* Add new color changing options
* Added support title-tag on new WordPress code
* Top menu text capitalize problem solved
* Minor bug fixes
= 2.4ย =
* Updated Option Framework
* Added Support for title tag
* Fixed other minor issue
= 2.3ย =
*Updated image license
= 2.0.3 =
*Fixed comment.php file security issue
*Calendar widger css updated
*Fixed some minor issue
*Theme install note added
= 2.0.2 =
*Fixed theme reported issue
= 2.0.1 =
*Initial Release @ 1.0

Our Themes are 100% GPL
Do you offer support for your themes?
Every of our customer gets priority support via Email ([email protected]), Contact form or Support forum we reply within few minute to 24hr,
We release theme update frequently if you found any issue or need customization then you can request an update from us any time
I’m new don’t know how to setup theme
Don’t worry I’ll help you at any stage may be your premium or free user, Need any help just contact me, on theme purchase you will gets free setup if you wish.
If you grow then we also grow theme is ready to use every thing is provided by us.
How to Install Theme?
Theme installation is very easy after purchase we provides you new pro version of theme files just download them and upload to your website,
Dashboard > Appearance > Themes > Add new > Upload.
For more read theme documentation you can also use FTP to upload just upload theme into SERVER_PATH/wp-content/themes/
Still have problem just contact us and your site will be running in few minutes.
Is this theme search engine optimized (SEO)?
Yes. As an online business, we understand the importance of SEO. As such, our themes are designed for maximum search engine visibility. We also recommend that you use one of the many WordPress SEO plugins available (e.g. WordPress SEO) to further enhance the search engine visibility of your site.
Can I use the theme on multiple sites?
Yes, you can use the theme on as many sites as you like.
Can I translate the theme?
Yes, we provide a .pot and .po file, which you can use to translate the theme into your desired language.
Can I use this theme forever with no additional payments?
Yes. If you buy this theme, you can use it forever with no additional payments.
Will all WordPress plugins work with this theme?
We always ensure that all of WordPress plugin works on our theme if you have any issue with any of plugin let us know.
Can I modify this theme and/or remove the footer links?
Yes. You are allow do change/remove or modify footer link.
Changing logo and colors are easy?
Yes with our user friendly gui you won’t get any problem to change fonts and colors


  1. Andrew Smith

    Hello I have a question on this theme, it is also included in the 5 WP Premium Theme Pack?
    I would like to hear from you. Sincerely Andrew, from the Netherlands.

    • Sandy (verified owner)

      Sorry not in 5 WP pack but included in membership plan, which includes all of our theme and future theme as well.

  2. Watcharapong

    have demo download ?

    • Sandy (verified owner)

      Please check above link mention on description.

  3. gadgetssai

    i seen that adsense ready templates what is mean it… thanks in advance

    • Sandy (verified owner)

      It mean you can place Google Adsense ads where widget area and different ads box present within theme without any issue with adsense and it’s ready to run.

  4. Brett (verified owner)

    I have the pro version but I am only able to get 5 social icons to show on the home page. Is there something I am missing in the settings?

    • Sandy (verified owner)

      I have seen your support ticket as well this is because menu has width if there are too many link and page then space will be reduced for social icon and vise-versa.
      Also working on theme and updating some css for you please hold

  5. Damian Appleby

    Trying out the basic free version, although I have no widgets in the sidebar apart form a custom menu, it still showing the ‘Popular posts’ but the widget isn’t showing. How do I remove the most popular posts?
    Also on a side the recommended plugins (menu icons looking at the logs) give me a 500 error.

    • Sandy (verified owner)

      Please update your theme to new version 1.5 then go to theme options > basic settings > at bottom you will find option for popular post widget.

  6. stan

    Using the Digital theme it seems that the page title on the homepage is and on pages it is . I tried using Additional CSS to make amends but it doesn’t quite work. What am I doing wrong?

    • Sandy (verified owner)

      I don’t understand what you exactly wants to change in theme fonts, Customize theme fonts are limited to pro version of digital user.

  7. jeevan

    Hello team,
    for each post there is an image. from where this image been taken.
    do we have to add the image to the post the the top ot ehich location shouild i add it

    • Sandy (verified owner)

      You need to set featured image into post please read here How to Set Image to Post

  8. Adhiesh

    In my website, The category archives boxes are not showing the post in proper alignment.In the first and last row, it shows a big space between one post to another post. So, please give me a proper solution to solve this issue. I have mentioned my website’s screenshot URL in below.

    screenshot URL’s:

    Actually, I have an idea to buy your digital theme…but there are some Major/Minor issues are there on the free digital theme. So if you solved that issue. Surely I will buy that theme.!

    • Sandy (verified owner)

      Actually there is no problem in pro version like this.

      • Adhiesh

        Are you Sure…
        Did you see the issue that I mentioned in my previous comment with the screenshot URL..?

  9. adam

    how do i remove the search function from the main menu position. thanks

  10. ritesh

    how many website i have to add on this

  11. Aldeam facey (verified owner)

    how do I change the color of the title texts (that links to an article) and widget headings. they are all green and I don’t see an option to change

    • Sandy (verified owner)

      Color customization feature not available for free users, You can upgrade to pro get more features

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